Una Paloma Blanca - Language Hub


Our language experts

At UPB we work with highly skilled teachers! Masters in their language who've worked hard to develop not only their teaching abilities, but on new and exciting methodologies that will get you communicating, even if your teacher doesn't speak Dutch, it's quite magical, really!


Ik ben Nienke en ik geef online Nederlandse les bij Una Paloma Blanca, zowel in het Engels als Spaans! Met een focus op het inburgeringsexamen en het praktisch toepassen van de Nederlandse taal, help ik leerlingen graag snel vooruit. Ik vind het belangrijk om rekening te houden met jouw niveau, je vertrouwen te geven en zo het spreken te stimuleren.


Hi there, my name is Lusine, and I teach General and Business English at Una Paloma Blanca language school. Additionally, I help my students prepare for the IELTS, TOEFL, FCE and other exams and can teach you how to master the art of writing English essays. To make my lessons interactive and engaging, I use a lot of audio and video materials. See you online or in the classroom!


Hi there! I'm Sonia Moldovan, and I teach German at Una Paloma Blanca language school in Eindhoven. I've been learning German since kindergarten, and even though it's not my first language, I've always felt a special connection to it. Languages have been my greatest passion, and I'm always eager to learn new ones. While some people may find German harsh or difficult, I see it as fascinating and easy to learn once you understand the links to other languages—especially English and Dutch. Speaking German laid the foundation for a much smoother learning curve when it came to learning those two languages. In my classes, I strive to make learning German engaging, relatable, and interactive. I look forward to welcoming you to Una Paloma Blanca, where we can embark on this language-learning journey together!


Hey, I'm Henrike and I'm a German teacher at UPB. As I love traveling, I know how languages can open doors to new friendships and cultures. That's why I would like to help you opening the door to meet some honest, open-minded and friendly Germans (if you are able to find them ;)). See you at UPB!


Ik hou van taal! De nederlandse taal, met al haar uitzonderingen, speciale bruggetjes en dubbele betekenissen. Ik schrijf dan ook graag blogs en liedjes. Jarenlang reisde ik rond en kwam ik in contact met verschillende talen en culturen, het liefst beweeg ik me er dan ook nog dagelijks tussen! Werken bij Una Paloma Blanca geeft me die mogelijkheid.



Olá a todos! My name is Fabrizio. While working as a Recruiter, I am also teaching Portuguese at Una Paloma Blanca language school. I like to prepare the best lessons for my students, helping them to achieve their own goals, depending on their interests and needs. I love Portugal, so I always bring my passion for Portuguese culture to lessons, and of course, I am a huge fan of Brazilian funk! I look forward to meeting you all soon. Até já! ;)


Hallo! I am Sherill, and I teach the Dutch language at Una Paloma Blanca school in Rotterdam.


Hallo! I am Richard, and I teach the Dutch language at Una Paloma Blanca school in Eindhoven.



Hallo! I am Tereza, and I teach the Dutch language at Una Paloma Blanca school in Rotterdam.


Hi! My name is Kim. I am a dutch teacher at Una Paloma Blanca. I like to work at UPB because I am creative. I like to think of games to keep the classes fun and still useful. So, do you want to join learning and laughing? Then I hope to see you soon!


¡Hola, hola! I'm Caro Velandia, a Colombian residing in Eindhoven. I'm a professional passionate language teacher. I teach Spanish at UPB. Beyond language, I love to aid others in their growth journey and connect with diverse backgrounds.


Mijn naam is Antonio Gutierrez en ik ben leraar bij UNA PALOMA BLANCA. Ik kom uit Alicante en woon sinds een jaar of 6 in Nederland. Er zijn veel redenen om talen te leren: Je gaat op reis, je gebruikt het voor je werk, je partner spreekt een andere taal of je vindt het gewoon leuk om aan andere taal te leren. Door mijn kennis van buitenlandse talen met je te delen hoop ik dat een nieuwe taal op een leuke en efficiënte manier onderdeel wordt van jouw curriculum. Ik hoop je te zien bij UNA PALOMA BLANCA! :)


My name is Caroline, and I teach Dutch and English. I want to teach languages in a fun and practical way. In my free time, you can catch me running, travelling, or reading. I hope to see you in one of my classes soon!


Hallo, hello, hola! I'm Robert and I teach Dutch at Una Paloma Blanca. I understand all your struggles with learning a new language because I am learning Spanish myself. I am a lover of salsa dancing and traveling, preferably to Spain and Latin America. See you soon at Una Paloma Blanca!


Hallo! Ik ben Ruud en ik kom uit Nederland. Do you also want to know how to introduce yourself in Dutch? I can teach you! And I can teach you so much more to help you communicate in the Netherlands. Personally, I love travelling and getting to know people and cultures from all over the world. Language is a beautiful thing. In my opinion, a language is best learned in an interactive, positive and motivating setting. And above all, learning a language should be fun! So is Dutch a difficult language? Maybe. Is Dutch an interesting language? Absolutely! I believe that anyone with the right motivation can learn Dutch. So if you’re willing to go on a Dutch learning adventure, I would be more than happy to guide you!


Hoi! Mijn naam is Brian, ik ben 22 jaar oud en geboren en getogen in Eindhoven. Al van jongs af aan heb ik een passie voor taal – het is niet alleen een middel om te communiceren, maar ook een venster naar een andere cultuur en een nieuwe manier van denken. Als docent Nederlands help ik je graag op een ontspannen en toegankelijke manier de taal onder de knie te krijgen. Of je nu net begint of je vaardigheden wilt verbeteren, samen maken we het leerproces leuk en effectief. Ik kijk ernaar uit je te ontmoeten bij UNA PALOMA BLANCA! :)


Hi/Bonjour/你好 :) How exciting that you're interested in learning a new language! As a linguist who is native in Taiwanese Mandarin and fluent in English and French, I love sharing cultural insights and exploring new ways of learning with my students. Creating an interactive space where we can work together at your own pace, in a way that suits your needs and interests, is my priority. I'm here to support and guide you every step of the way!


Hoi allemaal! Mijn naam is Anneline en al van jongs af aan wist ik dat ik docent wilde worden. Mensen nieuwe vaardigheden leren in een veilige en gezellige(!) omgeving is waar ik heel blij van word. Voor een goede verbinding is communicatie de sleutel. Ik maak je graag wegwijs in de wondere wereld van de Nederlandse taal! Tot snel!



Mijn studie Nederlands en Journalistiek hebben mij gevormd tot wat ik nu ben: een liefhebber van de Nederlandse taal. Die liefde voor de taal breng ik graag over aan mijn studenten. In het klaslokaal mag ik studenten ontvangen vanuit de hele wereld, dat is ontzettend leuk! Taal is handig in een werksituatie of op school, maar een nieuwe taal leren moet vooral leuk zijn! Wanneer kom je kennismaken met de Nederlandse taal? Ik ontvang je graag bij mij in de les!


Hi there, my name is Olga, and I teach Dutch at Una Paloma Blanca Eindhoven.


Ciao everyone! My name is Lea and I am Italian and English teacher. I was born and raised in Croatia in the most beautiful city on the Adriatic Coast - Pula. I have recently moved to the Netherlands and I am enjoying all the experiences living abroad brings along. I teach Italian and English and I love meeting new students. Whether it is a cultural unit or a grammar unit, I always do my best to make the lessons fun and efficient!


Ciao everyone! My name is Rosa and I am an Italian teacher at Una Paloma Blanca school in Eindhoven.


Ik ben Ilse van den Hurk en ik geef Nederlands (NT2) bij Una Paloma Blanca sinds 2020. Ooit werkte ik in het bedrijfsleven en daarna volgde ik een lerarenopleiding Engels. Ik heb een ruime ervaring met het lesgeven aan verschillende doelgroepen. Nu geef ik vooral les aan anderstalige kenniswerkers en internationale studenten vanaf B1 niveau. Bij UPB gebruik ik natuurlijk de methode Let’s get Dutch deel 3 en 4 voor de grammatica en de oefeningen. Spreekvaardigheid staat centraal in mijn lessen. Daarbij vind ik actualiteit, interactie en humor heel belangrijk. Ik nodig mijn studenten ook uit om zelf spreekbeurten te houden. Wil je verder Nederlands leren met plezier? Wie weet zie ik jou in een reguliere groepscursus voor gevorderden!


Hallo! I am Jos, and I teach the Dutch language at Una Paloma Blanca school in Eindhoven.


Hi! My name is Jelena and I’m French and Italian language teacher. I was lucky enough that my hobby became my job, so that is why I enjoy spending time with my students. Apart from work, in my free time I always find time to learn something new, travel and spend some special moments with people that I care about! If you want to learn the language in an interactive and fun way, join me at Una Paloma Blanca!



Hi, I'm Carlo van den Boomen and I would gladly teach you the beautiful Dutch language. Speaking the local language is very practical. It makes it easier to do groceries, to find a job, or to make new friends. Language is also an important part of art and culture, symbolized by for instance poetry, lyrics, sayings and slang. Through Dutch you will get to know the Netherlands and its people, and you may even find that you will start to understand what makes us so weird at times :-). I'm passionate about language and culture and I have followed many language courses myself over the years. So I hope to see you soon!


I am Charles, a retired doctor who teaches the English language at Una Paloma Blanca school in Rotterdam. I have certification in teaching ESL and have taught A1 to C1 levels. Besides English, I am also fluent in Spanish.


Hoi, Ik ben Marjolein Cleijsen, with my passion for the Dutch language I will teach you in no time how to speak, write and read in Nederlands. I will give you the confidence to dare to use our beautiful language, hope to see you soon at Una Paloma Blanca!


My name is Chloe, I'm French, and I just arrived in Eindhoven where I'm teaching French. I studied French language and literature for years at university, I love literature, art, music, and movies, and my favorite thing is to share my passions with others and what best way to do it than being a teacher? I really like interacting with other cultures: I lived in Germany for a while, then worked for the Swedish Institute in Paris, and that's what I'm still doing here in Una Paloma Blanca. When I'm not busy trying to make French conjugations understandable or revealing the secrets of our famous accent, I'm listening to music, going to gigs, and writing about it for rock and metal publications. French is a beautiful language and French culture is full of interesting things; I'm looking forward to share it with you!


Hello there! My name is Huub. I have been living in Eindhoven for a long time. I teach Dutch and French. Pleased to meet you.


Hi there! My name is Desiree, and I teach Dutch at Una Paloma Blanca Eindhoven. Hope to see you soon. Houdoe!


Hola! I'm Cecilia and I'm a Spanish teacher at UPB. I am a very passionate, creative and adaptable person, making each class dynamic, interactive, and enjoyable. Whether you are just beginning your Spanish journey or already have an advanced level, I'm here to help you reach new heights. Come join me at UPB, and let's keep learning and growing together!


Think you got what it takes?

If you think you have what it takes to be one of our language experts, then you came to the right place! We are always scouting for new members. So tell us what could you bring to the table and we will contact you.

Word on the street

  • Casper


    Because I work in a department where English skills are very important to communicate with clients, I decided to follow a private intensive English course where I could quickly brush up my English knowledge and bring my writing and speaking skills to a C1 level. I liked most that the team of teacherRead mores immediately understood my needs and they focused on my preferences helping me achieving my goals in no time.Read less

  • Varvara



    I’m writing to thank you very much for the course you’ve organised for Egor. I was really surprised when, firstly, he agreed to do something like that on holiday, secondly, when after the first day with you he wasn’t incredibly tired as I would have expected, on the contrary, very excited. WheRead moren you asked us to speak only English during the week, I thought, ok, we’ll see! 😊 But, in fact, every time when I being forgetful say something in Russian, Egor says: “I’m sorry, Mum, I don’t understand you!” Moreover, in the evening on Monday he asked me to help him with his homework! What have you done?! 😊 How could you manage?! 😊 He never does his homework at school, maybe, during the break time before the lesson starts if the teacher is strict enough! 😊 I’m really impressed by the teaching skills of you! Thank you very much! It’s very important for me. I’ve wanted to introduce Egor to this kind of studying for a long time. He’s been never interested until now. As I told you, I’ve done a lot of language courses in England. I love it, I miss it very much. I’m happy that Egor seems to like it too. I think that in spite of the fact he’s doing a short course he’s going to have a great breakthrough in his English studies.Read less

  • Arianna


    I had already a very good English level before I got lessons from the teachers of Una Paloma Blanca, but after following the Business English Program at the language school, I noticed my confidence with the language increased quite a lot, specially when it came to speeches and team presentations. ThRead moreank you very much for all your help!Read less

  • Raluca


    Speaking is always the most challenging part of any new language, and with Dutch it feels even more difficult for me personally... I just can't gather the courage to try and verbalise sentences, but I am aware it’s maybe the most important part of becoming fluent. That’s what I most appreciate iRead moren our teacher at Una Paloma Blanca - however broken we may speak, she's always encouraging, fun and has a friendly, empathetic way of correcting us. That’s highly important to keep the motivation going and practice even outside the group, in real life.Read less

  • Chetna



    Being a marketer in a foreign country comes with its own set of challenges. Knowing the local language is not just a plus but a prerequisite. Hence, soon after I arrived in the Netherlands, I started my hunt for a language class. After scouting for days, I stumbled upon Una Paloma Blanca’s creativRead moree website. A couple of email conversations later, I found myself at their Eindhoven facility. I loved the vibe and decided to give it a shot. Soon after, it became a home away from home for me as I formed instant friendships within my group. Their one-of-a-kind learning material (an illustrative book that you would not want to put down) and immersive lessons helped me learn the language quicker than I had anticipated. Furthermore, it aided my understanding of the cultural nuances in the Dutch society that gave me an edge in interviews and formal conversations. I cannot thank my teacher enough (who went above and beyond every time) for her constant motivation and support. To all the fellow expats looking for a fun way to learn Dutch, I say go for it!Read less

  • Erick


    Learning a new language is challenging and Dutch is no different. Learning how to speak confidently and have day to day conversations in Dutch as an expat is challenging. During the summer course what I liked the most was that we focused on the message we were trying to convey and how to properly saRead morey it instead of only correcting us. The balance between study material and outside activities makes the course not feel as intensive and actually makes it fun. The teachers also did a good job encouraging us and motivating us into starting conversations. For anyone looking to improve their vocabulary and gain confidence in conversing in Dutch I really recommend Una Paloma Blanca’s summer courses.Read less

  • Oana



    Learning Dutch is hard enough, but without the right, dedicated teacher, it would be impossible for someone to learn. I have been studying at Una Paloma Blanca for almost 3 years. I find spoken Dutch the most difficult part, because the Dutch people have a certain accent which is not easy to learn. Read moreHowever, the teachers are so nice at this school and they encourage you to practice every time even if you don't speak perfectly... and basically, this is the whole point of following a Dutch course.... TO LEARN! This is what I always appreciate about my teacher: her teaching style, the way of explaining grammar to me, the empathy that she always shows me (not only to my broken speech). My teacher makes me feel part of this family. It is highly important to have the right teacher for your needs, who knows how to keep you motivated in this process of learning a new language all while integrating into Dutch society. Read less

  • Jorge González



    I love the flexibility of UPB, how supportive the teachers and workers are and how easy they made it to learn a new language. They are helping me a lot with my difficulties learning Dutch and allowing me to communicate with people in fluent Dutch.

  • Bruno



    As polyglot, learning languages is my main hobby and for that reason I am always looking for the best teachers to boost my language skills! When I moved to my new life in Rotterdam I was so happy to see that there was a language academy just 3 minutes away from my house with all my languages, even Read moreRussian! I made a good decision in trusting Una Paloma Blanca to take my Dutch and Russian to the next level and the results are amazing: Currently I am able to work in Dutch and I can handle conversations in Russian Read less

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UNA PALOMA BLANCA is a 10 minute walk from Eindhoven Central Station.







UNA PALOMA BLANCA is about a 5 minute walk from Rotterdam Central station. A direct tramline stops in front of our office (Tram 25)
